What is a B Corp?

B Corps form an international network of businesses that are global leaders in the movement to shift the behaviour, culture, and structural underpinnings of capitalism. Unlike traditional corporations, B Corps are legally required to consider the impact of their decisions on all stakeholders: including our clients, colleagues, community members, and the environment.

At Sullivan Law Ptbo, showing kindness and respect to our clients, colleagues, and community forms our core identity of who we are and how we practice law. That’s why we wanted to encode our values into the DNA of our corporation by becoming a Certified B Corporation. As a B Corp, we are part of a global community of businesses balancing profit with purpose and are committed to using business as a force for positive change.

More About B Corps

There are over 6300 Certified B Corporations in over 80 countries, across 150 industries, all working towards the goal of using business as a force for good.

B Corps must meet a minimum performance requirement to become certified, represented by their B Impact Score, and must recertify every three years to maintain their B Corp status.

The certification process uses credible, comprehensive, transparent, and independent standards of social and environmental performance.


The B Impact Assessment considers the size, industry, and locations of each business to make the assessment of overall impact as accurate as possible.

As a collective, the B Corp community works toward reducing inequality, lowering levels of poverty, a healthier environment, and forming strong communities.


362 Queen Street, Peterborough, Ontario K9H 3J6 | T: 705.745.0571 | F: 1.705.805.9262